The story behind the name "Barefoot" comes from the feeling of the act itself - being Barefoot is healthy, energetic and helps you feel grounded to Earth. There are lots of physical and psychological benefits behind just being Barefoot. All these sensations are the reason why the act of being Barefoot is essential to our brand.
Whether we're hosting groups in Egypt or abroad, our mission is to showcase and connect with the beauty of our world, with a nature-loving community, through unique sustainable experiences.
Our Vision is to change how people view our world; have them appreciate and value nature's power, make them eager to learn about Earth's different inhabitants and inspire them to give back.
We don't take your trust in us lightly, which is why we're very vocal about The Barefoot Code, which guides us to the perfect experience.
Your Safety is of utmost importance to us, and one of our main focus areas when designing a new trip
Take only memories, leave only footprints' is a saying we live by. This is why we always highlight ways to become more sustainable during our trips.
We never have a plan B... We have plans A, B, C, D,.... leaving nothing to chance
Designed and Developed by TheGABS